Who thought he would mutate his porridge. He turned it bright green With a gene of gangrene. The marvels of molecular knowledge! |
The people are pulling up transgenic corn Sharp with a sickle and quick on their toes They're ridding the world of GMOs |
We've got the soya, we've got the lawyers,
You did not choose it, but you'll have to use it:
Mister Monsanto! Monster Mutanto!
Food 'n' Health 'n' Hope Seize the Day
from Designer Kidz Goodbye Ancient Mystery - the Call Of The Wild is history.
Theo Simon, Seize the Day
Down on the farm So what you saying minister?
Seize the Day
Transgenic honey This is not food that the people
Seize the Day
Lacewings and ladybirds, mind where you roam
Ladybird, ladybird, have your children all flown?
God moved in a mysterious way
"We've cracked the mystery!" they said,
For what those fellows hadn't gauged
Now all of us will get the blame,
We'll know not method, time nor day
Marian McCain Scientists want God to retire... One day a group of eminent scientists got together and decided that Man had come a long way and no longer needed God. So they picked one scientist to go and tell Him that they were done with Him. The scientist walked up to God and said, "God, we've decided that we no longer need You. We're to the point that we can clone people and do many miraculous things, so why don't You just retire?" God listened very patiently to the man and then said, "Very well, but first, how about this, let's have a Man-making contest." To which the scientist replied, "OK, great!" God added, "Now, we're going to do this just like I did back in the old days with Adam." The scientist said, "Sure, no problem" and bent down and grabbed himself a handful of dirt. God just looked at him and said, "No, no, no. You go get your own dirt!" |
on Irish GM beet protests The GM Fairies got it right
The green tomato gave a frown
Her grumbling words were overheard
The little green tomato
And now the green tomato
<C> Cerridwen 27th September 1998 |
"Over the years John Innes Centre science has resulted in many varied products for the consumer" - Dr Ray Mathias, JIC, 26/10/98 There is a young Prof at John
Nick Jackson Song for John Innes Let them eat rice The folk at John Innes are nice
Oh, the folk at John Innes are
Oh, the folk at John Innes are
Quiet under the tree a snowdrop sleeping
No Christian coupling this, church of science
A mating most fecund, sowing defiled oats
and tricky new viruses appear, weird
Hylda Sims Taken from: "Spiral bound an anthology of poetry and songs of genes and their engineering", edited by Emily Johns and published by Hearing Eye, ISBN 1-870841-65-4 Contact: 99 Toriano Avenue, London, NW5 2RX (price: 4 pounds + 50p p&p) |
Stretching out with
I'm a PR girl, in the GM world
[And the boys in the lab all sing:
I'm a PR girl, in the fantasy world
[boys in the lab: 'Spinning doctor, spinner-donna!'] I'm a PR girl, in the GM world
and nobody will refine them Monsanto, go home - we don't want what you've grown or your greedy scheme that's behind them |
(by GM Keats) Season of mist and mutant fruitlessness The new GM Bottomley
The Edwardian poet Gordon Bottomley wrote: When you destroy a blade of grass
A hundred years on, would he be tempted to write: When you mutate a blade of grass
(from an article in The Times 13/8/98) |
Boffins eye fat research grants As they release the Frankenstein plants 'Happy to oblige!' their ethical stance for more on science and ethics click here |
Women say 'No' to GMOs
We know about love
Women say 'No' to GMOs
People say 'No' to the WTO
They know that there's
People say 'No' to the WTO
Our farmers are very funny
Our abattoirs are also jolly
Could BSE and CJD
Biotech has much invested
Governments just won’t protect us
The bureaucrats, it seems, don’t care
Supermarkets too are jolly
Pesticidal foods, you’ll see,
Our farmers are very funny
Chorus line: Umpah! Umpah! Stuff the poor consumar... * Human Genes into Plants: A mammalian 2-5A system functions as an antiviral pathway in transgenic plants. Mitra A. et al (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 6780-6785. |
Genetic Interfering
William Treend |
Little Boy Blue, give a blast on
your horn
And the price that you paid at the
end of the day
<C> Cerridwen |
There was an old woman who swallowed
She swallowed Roundup
with bacterial DNA
She swallowed the soy
cos she'd swallowed a lie:
There was an old woman who swallowed
nothing did it bear. But it was a pretty one, so I didn't care. Monsanto got a hold of it
<C> Cerridwen |
Sat on a tuffet Eating some modified whey But they'd spliced it with spider
Oh little town
of Bethlehem
(to Home on the Range) Back, back on the farm
Ada |
around with our food and our seeds The wildlife dies from plant-pesticides and the genes run away on the breeze |
![]() There is a Professor Who is a big messer Utterly MAD And thoroughly bad. He changed our grain
Just say 'No' to GMOs
Sam -- aged 8
ngin@icsenglish.com |