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ngin archive
31 May 2002
Monsanto deceit in the Philippines/"Corporate
Phantoms" Demonize the GE Food Debate
BBC defends upcoming drama about potential dangers
of GM crops
Organic study joins the science wars
30 May 2002
Oz's 'Delia/the Queen Mum' launches GE free shopping
Kernels of Truth
29 May 2002
Corporate phantoms - web of deceit over GM food
28 May 2002
How Monsanto harasses farmers/GM-free zones for
Melchett on Leaver's organic claims
25 May 2002
Biotech minister made GM millions - Sainsbury
attacked for GM share 'profits' and other news from the Sunday papers
Schmeiser: Monsanto lying about 98 percent of
his crop being genetically modified
24 May 2002
Chapela Guardian latter - GM: And yet it moves
23 May 2002
GM war of words: Guardian letters
GE bottom line for support of next Govt - Greens
Pink Castle news - crop sown
22 May 2002
At a standstill
GMOs - Does the British Prime Minister Know What
He is Talking About?
"Scenarios for co-existence of genetically modified,
conventional and organic crops in European agriculture"
Government to share cost of rectifying GM error
PR Attack dog bitten/Spinning the web
Bt Corn Linked to Hog Breeding Problems
21 May 2002
No room for GM crops/Corporation stops GE fruit
and vegetable research
Riddle of the [GE anthrax] spores
Housewife destroyed GM crops/silent protest
20 May 2002
Blair condemns protesters who thwart science
Nature's retraction and a campaign of hate -
Guardian letters
News update
19 May 2002
Another PR firm exposed
Outrage at Labour gag on protests/GM crop protesters
to be silenced
18 May 2002
AGBIOVIEW: HELP! How You Can Help AgBioView to
‘GMOs are harmless, end of story’: Unfree trade
17 May 2002
Genetic engineers know not what they do: biologist
speaks out
16 May 2002
EU Suppresses study/Pink castle/Toxic secrets
of pesticide company etc.
Monsanto and its incognito spinmeisters
China's Ban on Biotech Investors May Violate
WTO Obligations
15 May 2002
Indonesia: Bt Cotton Fails
Revealed: the 582,000 animals that are genetically
modified in Britain's labs
14 May 2002
The fake persuaders - The Guardian
13 May 2002
Monsanto: Reaching out to change perceptions
11 May 2002
US imperialism
10 May 2002
Danger: New Scientist on US Non-lethal Bioweapons
Global roundup - GE allsorts
US Farm Security Act funds corporate brainwashing
for GE
Folly of GM crop trials - Green war in the Highlands
9 May 2002
Exposing Biotech's Big Lies - BioDemocracy News
Organic Foods Vindicated, But So What? - PR WATCH
Biopiracy by another name
8 May 2002
Huckster parade meets the SIRCus - 'Ethics and
US Military Want GE Weapons
Landmark study confirms organic foods have fewer
7 May 2002
Trade war fear as public resists GM food
Protesters destroy GM crops/pink castle 'blocks'
GM crop tests
6 May 2002
GMOs and the war against terror
Media bias/Industrial waste/Let them eat GM corn
5 May 2002
A quiet hero from the fields
A tale of two dons - First World and the Underworld
Eugenics, pets and coffee
GM crops stance "in tatters"
4 May 2002
US Regulatory gap means GE foods can avoid scrutiny
Inquiry fails to find cause of GM crop contamination/Five
deny GM crops attack
3 May 2002
GM Products Raise Food Costs
Councillor calls for total destruction of GM
2 May 2002
Monsanto's geniuses!
Transforming public research into exclusive rights:
Purdue defends Terminator
MAF seizes non-GM free shipments/China/Brazil/Co-op/Terminator
1 May 2002
Scientists oppose Bt cotton/Anger grows over
failure to stop GM crop test
PR WATCH - The Weekly Spin: May 1, 2002
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