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17 December 2000:
GM food safety?
- More on peer reviewed papers
GEN 12-17 from
Richard Wolfson
15 December 2000:
Nobody knows GM risks
14 December 2000:
Human cloning
- write to the national press
Dr Roger Morton
- The Calvanists are coming!
Corporate power
- George Monbiot interview
US relax gene
therapy rules
Greenpeace likely
to block more vessels as it targets animal feed sector
A wonderful weed
and some less wonderful hype
13 December 2000:
Monsanto threatens
Argentina/EU close to GM crop law agreement
Biosafety protocol
Golden Rice tech
British Medical
Journal critique of SIRC 'media initiative'
12 December 2000:
Dear Mr Glickman
(re organic food data)/Holiday gift to Kellogg's
Response to Watson
Golden Rice -
questions and answers
US women - 60%
would not give GM food to their children
Soya importer
goes GM free following Greenpeace protest
Scientists gang
up on organics - New Statesman
11 December 2000:
UK Medical Research
Council acknowledges GM food risks
RoundUp Ready
Beans and increasing herbicide use
Greenpeace block
French GE imports as biosafety protocol meeting begins
Luke Anderson
at public meeting
Which Christmas
turkeys are GM free?
10 December 2000:
'Strange fruit'
- Jules Petty on sustainable agriculture
- as GMOs go round globe
9 December 2000:
'An outrage' -
EPA on Monsanto/Aventis plans in India etc
More on Monsanto's
'Golden Mustard'
Deadly GM chemical
- warning at Edinburgh Court case
'No more GM crops
on this farm - ever'
8 December 2000:
A retraction for
Greenpeace and other excerpts from ABiasedView
Greenpeace welcome
NFU Canada call for moratorium on GM crops
e-mail Newsletter#13
Australia's GM
deal 'a disaster'/Eastern Europe
Pro-GE crooks
+ a troll
Stealth genes
and recouping industry's investment
George Monbiot's
new book - Captive State
Xeno - Imutran
update/Gene therapy lawsuit
7 December 2000:
Brazil and GM
chicken feed/US organic standards - Glickman
Best practice in GM crop design - ISIS answer ACRE
No Clone Zone and other New Scientist items
REAL FOOD - FoE news update
Xeno News
PANTS ON FIRE - October's winner!
Terminator recombinase scrambles genomes - confirmed
6 December 2000:
SPLICE on biotech
rats leaving sinking ship
Lotsa GM shorts
Greenpeace allegations
NVDA trauma casualties and how to avoid them
Letter on embryo cloning
Indians used as guinea pigs/More on Canadian NFU
moratorium call/Terminator in UK
Islamic views on GE
5 December 2000:
Monsanto encourages
organic attacks
"Wholly positive
motives" for GM crop destruction
Fascinating Pusztai
China joins debate
over GM foods
Terminator crops
at large
GM crop pullers
with "positive motives" convicted
Greenpeace block GM bean shipment
US Group urges caution/Monsanto's new contracts
4 December 2000:
MPs astonished
by secret GM sites/UK Govt fails to implement EU law?
3 December 2000:
Gene therapy without
the caveats
Alternatives to
biotech in Africa
Public denied fair say in New Zealand
Potrykus on "Golden Rice"
Gene therapy in the womb
2 December 2000:
EPA knew about
StarLink problems two years ago
Corporate missionaries
target the South
Farmer delegates
from South say big NO to GE
1 December 2000
Bonemeal out -
GMOs in?
GM shorts
Another UK council
moves against GM crops
Guardian on 'contrite'
USDA Research
supports harm to Monarch fears
Government's blind
eye to GM in India