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ngin archive
31 January 2002
Chip could create mass-produced clones
30 January 2002
Government signals GM cool-off: Commercial growing
of GM crops to be debated
Biotech firms bypass journals to make news /
Some Genetics Researchers Don't Share / Stem Cell Panel Has Vested Interest
in Research
Widespread GM contamination in everyday foods
/ So what products are contaminated? / GM separation distance must be at
least 5 km / Dutch Parliament on Dutch Gov. Biotech Policy
29 January 2002
Dupont one of the world's worst polluters
Son of Frankenstein? - Marketing Week
GE not as good as traditional breeding
China to ban foreign investment in GE seeds
US gives Afghan farmers GM seed
28 January 2002
Universities for Sale?
GMOs could lead to superweeds, new study
27 January 2002
Media SIRCus-PCC man investigated over Enron
26 January 2002
Biotechnology Weapons Worse Than Nukes
Lifting of GMO Moratorium Scheduled for March
Barcelona Summit Say Officials
25 January 2002
Destroying environmentalists by "eco-terror"
Colleges Conduct Biotech Funding Study
EU liability plans too weak on GMOs / Jose Bove
argues against prison sentence / Italy Says Will Not Tolerate GM Seed Contamination
/ Bad seeds in court / Bayer blockade etc.
24 January 2002
Chiapas Rebel School Saves Corn Seed From Transgenics
/ The Fight Over Mexico's GM Maize Contamination / U.S. takes offensive
stance on Korean GMO regulations
Big Tobacco, Roger Scruton and the bullsh*t brigade
GE protests in UK and Korea / Bayer blockade!
On "uncivil disobedience"
23 January 2002
We don't need no GMOs: Weedy killers to protect
grain crops / GE-Free biotech could boost corn production
22 January 2002
Philippine mayor threatens Monsanto with lawsuit
/ KOREA/USA: GM food to dominate US-Korean trade talks / EU/Wales: EU to
listen to concerns about GM crops
Tom Wiley on "idiot farming" and corporate control
Say 'pants' to the manipulators of genes and
the media
UN plays Pied Piper: Pushing GM to the third
21 January 2002
Silken purses, cash cows and bullsh*t: Nexia
shares soar on artificial spider silk fiber / Phreak of nature
Lab study raises new questions over gene "wonder"
therapy / biotech boosts bio-war
19 January 2002
Beckett tightens rules on GM crop trials / Government
admits GM crop separation distances are inadequate - FoE
18 January 2002
Dispute Breaks Out Over New Biotech Crop Claims
/ US threatens public's right to choose on GM foods / Tobacco Lobbyist
Urges Industry To Shoot The Messengers / Organic Activists Win Freedom
of Information Case / WTO, tax havens, deals and Mr Unilever!
FSEs are coming / Croatian press articles: American
GMO tour warning of GM dangers / US Diplomats' threats / Do not trust the
multinational companies / Ban on import of GM food
17 January 2002
Red Pepper article 'Organic Farmers Sue' + how
to support
New E. coli study could shed light on movement
of GM bacteria
16 January 2002
Study Questions Safety of Genetically Engineered
15 January 2002
European Environment Agency draws key lessons
from history on using precaution
Clones' sickly symptoms ? Nature
Croatia set to ban GM food production/China's
new rules worry US
GE crops are not needed, says expert
14 January 2002
Suspect GE crop planting claims/Advanta stops
GE testing in NL
13 January 2002
Warning - BayerHazard!
Tanczos refuses to condemn GM attack
11 January 2002
GE cotton seed has major quality problems - top
US cotton merchant
10 January 2002
Xenotransplant experts express caution over knockout
piglets - Nature / PPL shares trip up as Dolly gets arthritis
Anti-GM sabotage/Krebs/Saudi/SOD class action
9 January 2002
Dotty Stotty/ActivistCash.com exposed as tobacco
front group
January 2002
SIRCus and CSPI nuzzle up?
Biotech big biz to farmers, consumers: 'Plant
what we tell you to, eat what we tell you to'
Melchett and Burson-Marsteller
7 January 2002
The Clash of Civilizations
6 January 2002
GE Crop Economics - new study
RICS response to EU Commission biotech strategic
4 January 2002
Nature - GMO mice age prematurely
Seed case judge was former Monsanto attorney
"Funny-money" attorney behind new biotech advocacy
ActivistCash.com founder knows all about financial
Several articles on Stossel from The Nation