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ngin archive
30 June 2002
Honours for biotech/scientists dismiss organic
28 June 2002
Prof Denis Murphy - Starting afresh with agricultural
27 June 2002
Science Compromised
Nature - Conflicts of interest - Important addition
Prakash mouthing Andura's script?
Conflicts around a study of Mexican crops
PR fronts and The Cowardly Crusader
26 June 2002
World Bank's rural development strategy
Non-GE "golden millet"
25 June 2002
GM Crop trials undermined by US investigation/Bitter
Harvest leaves bad taste
World Food Summit 2002 special
Propaganda is not science
GMOs Could Wipe Out Natural Species
24 June 2002
Monsanto abandons plans for GE canola in NZ/targets
Australia, India and US
Indonesian farmer tells of poor harvest, intimidation
and debt with Monsanto's GE seed
Andura Smetacek has a website!
23 June 2002
Biotech fever burning out/Blair's Biotech Vision
clouded ? ISIS
The unstoppable march of the clones - war, profit
and the vanity of leaders
22 June 2002
Nestle - Ice Cream!!! You Scream!!! We All Scream!!!
Chief Minister urged to halt introduction of
Bt Cotton in Karnataka
Whitehall admits GM foe was 'martyred'
21 June 2002
Fields of gold? Biotech's cash benefits may not
be what they seem
Science Media Centre director is Living Marxism
genocide apologist
India - Engineered risks
Science War Intensifies - ISIS
20 June 2002
GM Crop squat ends with crop destroyed/Aventis
told to destroy Belgian GMO field
Vietnam to get U.S. help to apply biotechnology
Mexican government has tried to silence scientists
19 June 2002
USA: Ecological risks of GMOs come in unexpected
ways, Purdue model shows
Bt cotton hype in India
Dust-Up Over GMO Crops
Keep ministers away from GM debate say MPs
18 June 2002
Africa becomes GE food dumping ground/Philippine
municipal council bans Monsanto's Bt corn trials
The hungry will have to wait
New information on Nestle
15 June 2002
Confirmation of fears: New findings on Bt cotton
- Devinder Sharma article
14 June 2002
Land and dignity - imprisoned farmers' FAO statement
Can Science Be Directed? New Scientist debate
Greenwash, infiltration and corporate deception
- new book
GM firms the only winners at food talks summit
13 June 2002
A-maize-ing Chardon LL fiasco ? Third World Network
Special investigation: The great Mexican maize
12 June 2002
Matt Metz's Guardian letter
Bivings - we condemn online vandalism
Biotech Allergen Issues Not Being Addressed
11 June 2002
Demand to defer introduction of Bt cotton
10 June 2002
StarLink found in food aid
Moses versus Griffiths - the Food Programme
GM contamination spreads in Mexico
Time to come clean on the dirty secret of starvation
9 June 2002
BBC drama triggers new debate/Ministers prepare
to sell GM to the public
40,000 march in Rome/Crops trampled in Fife/Nestle
Offices Raided in 4 countries
8 June 2002
Scientist tells Newsnight he was threatened
Monsanto's PR firm admits involvement in e-mail
Science journal accused over GM article
GM damages environment but not pests, says study
7 June 2002
Genetic Threats Blowin' in the wind
Bitter Harvest/Fields of Gold & Horizontal
Gene Transfer
Fields of ire
6 June 2002
U.S. Exports Misery to Africa/Nicaraguans accuse
World Food Programme and USAID of distributing GE food aid
Links to important items
Industry scientists on contamination, liability
GE Information Bulletin - No. 1 May/June 2002
Bt cotton in China - summary of research
5 June 2002
How they voted on stricter GM labelling rules
Bt cotton failure in China/Inquiry demanded in
4 June 2002
All GM products to be clearly labelled?
94pc want GM foods clearly labelled/Blair's chief
scientist is advocate for nukes
GM Cotton damaging the environment/GM Cotton
brings hardship to S. Sulawesi
3 June 2002
A genetically modified editor
2 June 2002
Genetic security in native seed-baskets
Science Media Centre exposed
Green lobby forces Blair into rethink over GM/Lobby
group 'led GM thriller critics'
Parliament GM adviser 'should resign'
1 June 2002
GE aid dilemma - farmers threatened by GE maize
Blair's standing up for...
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