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ngin archive
30 September 2002
World Bank Forges Ahead with Transgenic Crops
The genetics revolution has failed to deliver
Food Industry Fights Consumer Concerns
Modified pollen hits organic farms/Organic to
GM, The Risks
29 September 2002
Re: 'Support for food biotechnology holds in
the U.S.'
28 September 2002
Bt Cotton in India "wiped out"
The Real Board of Directors/Royalty hurts GM
Roundup associated with birth defects in humans
Farmer to farmer in India + other items on farming
and aid
27 September 2002
Southern Africa's food aid crisis shamelessly
engineered to score "political points" says leading US agronomist
25 September 2002
'Support for food biotechnology holds in the
EU Parliament backs right to reject GM organisms/leading
environmental economist says GE all about profit
Case of Missing (GM) Bacteria
New research confirms customers want GM-free
24 September 2002
GM Mustard: Another scientific scandal in the
Phil Chandler's speech at BBKA Conference on
GMO-free Honey
Why Argentina can't feed itself - how GM soya
is destroying livelihoods and the environment
Argentina's growth from adversity - Ecologist
Agribusiness, Biotechnology and War
23 September 2002
Biotech recruited to homeland defence
Dr Michael Antoniou on JIC study
Tests on GM mustard sought in India
22 September 2002
British Beekeepers Stand Firm on 6 Mile Limit
21 September 2002
Monsanto's PR Firm Receives Silver Inkwell Awards
Why Tricky Ricky's carping about GE fish campaign
20 September 2002
Monsanto supporting multi-million dollar campaign
to stop labelling
World Food Programme secretly contaminated food
aid for 7 years
Frankenfoods Get Funkier
South African Government in court over GM food
19 September 2002
U.S. Drops Bid to Strengthen Germ Warfare Accord
Monsanto - no change to Roundup Ready wheat approval
strategy/GM crops could pass resistance to weeds
Biotechs fail to find cure for despair/boardroom
clear-out at PPL
Hype and hate in the WSJ
John Innes loses Syngenta research alliance
Syngenta quits Genome Centre/Dear Prof Lamb...
18 September 2002
Why we need GM - Sponsored by the Natural Environment
Research Council
Bayer accused of breaking the Nuremberg Code
to boost profits
17 September 2002
Conflicting reports on GM crops
GM Wheat Portends Disaster for Great Plains
GM claims hit buffers
Pro-GM report is "pure rubbish" and directly
contradicted by the USDA
EU should target US genetically modified food/Government
approach to GM reporting illegal
More on "GM crops are economic disaster", incl
executive summary
16 September 2002
Britain funds pounds 13.4m GM programme in Third
Bayer Plans to Cut Another 4,700 Jobs
15 September 2002
Tewolde Egziabher - "one genuine hero" of earth
GM crop taints honey two miles away, test reveals
NGIN attacked on BBC's 'Talking Politics'
14 September 2002
Black propaganda campaign explained/Monsanto
files applications with Philippine government for commercializing Bt corn
GM firm recruits Short's aid adviser
13 September 2002
Understanding Prajateerpu through the Politics
of Autonomy: A gendered perspective
"Public debate" launched on farm-scale evaluations
for GM crops
GM crops in Africa: Implications for small farmers/Video
for UK farmers
12 September 2002
Japan asks WFP to supply Zambia with corns that
are not GM/UN respects Zambia's rejection of GM food
World Bank man put in charge of WSSD implementation
11 September 2002
India - Farmers want compensation after ruined
GM crops
Good-Bye GMOs
10 September 2002
Schmeiser wants to take it to the Supreme Court
GM food is getting everywhere, and other stories
AFJN denounces imposing GM food aid on Africa/Zambia
to get wheat instead of GM food
GM crops - FAO's tool for survival
World Bank and Friends of the Earth on GE, famine
9 September 2002
"Many thousands are dying" in black propaganda
Allergies/FAO forum report/Scottish trials
Flakash reveals Monsanto funding Greenpeace genocide
8 September 2002
GMWATCH number 1
7 September 2002
South Asia, Canada farmers dialogue on future
of agriculture
6 September 2002
Bt cotton fails in Maharashtra
Ethics of GM-food labelling
Small farmers from around the world fiercely
opposed to GM/Uganda "totally against" GM seeds/U.S. forces genetic foods
on Africans
GM food and Orissa: the real story
5 September 2002
Africa Unites Against GM to Opt for Self-sufficiency
4 September 2002
Jo’burg summit and why do the key GM food advocates
oppose the Kyoto treaty?
Rough ride for Powell at summit/Powell attacks
Zambia and other southern African countries
3 September 2002
Fears over GM farm animals
2 September 2002
Plans to promote GM crops defeated
GM foods: Fooling the world
"Food Luddites let Africa starve"/Tainted aid
Feeding the hungry and the bush fire of globalization
1 September 2002
Mr Chengal Reddy, the fake persuader?
Blair's chief scientific adviser denounces US/GMOs
and the Earth Summit/Zambian GM food aid decision highlights global problems
Bayer found responsible for poisoning of children
in Peru
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