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ngin archive
30 November 2001
US expert behind anthrax attacks?/GM & Bio-weapons
Biotech industry 'a bunch of crooks and shysters'
- MP/Nature paper
GeneWatch UK comments on Emergency Amendment
of the Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations
FoE urges Aventis prosecution: Illegal GM weeds
found in Lincolnshire
29 November 2001
Genetic diversity at stake/UC Berkeley finds
GE DNA in native Mexican corn
"IRRI has betrayed us": Jasmine Rice and the
patenting of Asia's Rice Bowl
90% of cloned lambs are dying soon after birth
Drugs giant drops Monsanto
Medicalising the food supply
Expert warns US agribiz "Customer is King"
28 November 2001
Royal Society panel sceptical about future safety
and transparency of biotechnology research in Canada
PR for The Book of Life: Article from The Nation
More GE for the kids ? New industry activity
Government’s record on GM fails to protect the
environment and consumer choice
The potential of organic and biotechnology cropping
methods to feed the world
27 November 2001
Cloned human embryo sparks ethics debate
Cloning for profit and propaganda/New Fast Track
26 November 2001
Cloned human embryo sparks ethics debate
Canada warns that modified crops can spread further
than thought - New Scientist
India unable to handle GM onslaught
25 November 2001
Dirty tricks campaign to discredit pharma critic/etc.
Forestry Group abandons GM trial
Health Canada attacks criticisms of expert panel
24 November 2001
URGENT Action Alerts - Say NO to Fast Track and
embryo cloning
GE nightmare in the South - Philippines/India
Biotechnology venture hits unexpected snags
23 November 2001
Biological control for Chinese rice
Monsanto cases/store GM ban/Delhi acts
World food issue hampered by GM
Emergency amendment to the Genetically Modified
Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations
22 November 2001
New Benbrook paper: Do GM crops mean less pesticide
Enhancing corporate monopoly and bioserfdom in
the 21st century: New Enclosures
More on the new Media Centre: Blair’s Ministry
of Truth?
Hundreds of millions a year spent by Canada propping
up GE industry
21 November 2001
Philippines - Catholic Church fights GM crop
Greenfield pushes new Media Centre
Monsanto’s franc was just
Chinese buy non GMO/Japan sees 37 percent drop
in US spud sales/etc.
Confronting the giant - Global GM technology
& the small farmer
19 November 2001
Fischler: "Organic must be free from any trace
of GM"
Hereford GM trial: not guilty!
17 November 2001
WTO: We Take Over
16 November 2001
‘Perfect pig’ breeders face charges
The Brownlash Rides Again: Paul Ehrlich on Philip
Stott's favourite reading
15 November 2001
Companies ditch genetically modified products
Stop US biowarfare at LANL! A new R.O.O.F. for
the Bioweapons Convention
PR dirty tricks over Monsanto drug/NZ city goes
GE Free
Human cloning ruling/Human Genetics Alert
14 November 2001
Statement from Catholic bishops in South Africa
on GMOs
Grocery chain Trader Joe’s drops gene-altered
13 November 2001
Biotech groups despair at EU attitudes/Dispatch
From Doha
Trade bullies & invasion of the superweeds
Pharmacia wants rid of Monsanto, etc
12 November 2001
Tobacco firm to profit from cancer genes
North Dakota farmer takes biotech crop fight
to WTO
GM crop protests in the UK
Prof Vivian Moses in Ireland
Impartial biotech advice?
11 November 2001
Patenting and bioprospecting
9 November 2001
More on illicit Bt cotton
8 November 2001
Food fight in a time of crisis: BioDemocracy
News #36
Illegal Bt cotton in Gujarat, India
"Naïve" biologists warned to exercise greater
7 November 2001
WTO, Veneman and US-led genocide
The real CSIRO Kid: More on biotech and porn
6 November 2001
Industry sponsors "sound science"
5 November 2001
Bt cotton fiasco - Devinder Sharma article
4 November 2001
Biotechnology and pornography
Flax growers reject McHughen’s GM proposal
3 November 2001
US foodborne illnesses up two- to ten-fold
2 November 2001
London: March for trade justice
Maori backlash in New Zealand
1 November 2001
GE cotton in India and Indonesia
A letter to the minister protesting GM propaganda
in schools/Part of the Network: C S Prakash and corporate propaganda
Anti-GE Maori take action/GE civil disobedience
campaign launched in NZ
Biotechnology and food: Voices from a southern