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ngin archive
28 February 2003
Monsanto buys influence, holds power
27 February 2003
Bove gets 10 months jail for GM crop attack/Cloning
Cows To Prevent Bio-Terror Outbreak
UK debate on GM food to start in May/FSA attacked
GM crop action court dates/State ban on GE crops
until 2008
26 February 2003
Firm stops work on GMOs in India/Powers to stop
the planting of GMOs strenthened in Australia
Pro-GM scientist attacks Bt cotton paper as a
"shoddy publication based on meagre and questionable data"
Saving us from their poisons with GMOs/RS wants
25 February 2003
92% of Americans want GM labeling
No lifting of EU moratorium say ag ministers/Japan
buys Brazil corn amid StarLink fear
Bayer Knew of Dangers Long Before It Pulled Drug
from Market
Canadian boycott of Monsanto?/The risks of modified
wheat/Prairies tour against GM wheat
24 February 2003
Monsanto & Syngenta "two big, bad bullies"/China
denies Monsanto a permanent safety certificate
Re: A Scientific Fairytale
US derailing India's biosafety/Novartis wants
to get bigger
21 February 2003
20 February 2003
GE cotton report sows confusion/Top nutrition
experts express fears about lack of GM food checks
Hunger for profit/Feeding the world without GMOs
More time for public debate/Gummer backs Krebs
on organics
Syngenta shares fall as company posts loss/Monsanto
announces changes to board of directors
FSA slammed! FSA must be removed as independent
scientific advisors
Terminator crops in UK?
19 February 2003
Lying and distorting the news OK in Florida
Roundup Unready/More Than Anti-war/Stop GMOS
Initiative starts In Switzerland
18 February 2003
GM Crops and War/gene snatchers/gun threat/Goodbye
17 February 2003
China cools, India accepts?
16 February 2003
Meacher states GM is dangerous and worries if
companies tell the truth about GM testing
FSA at it again
Meacher: My fears over GM crops/Saddam and GM
14 February 2003
Former Ag Minister warns farmers to shun Bt cotton/Cover-Up
to the Bt Cotton Fiasco
Brazil police sampling crops for illicit GM soy
Row Sprouts over Requests for Approval of GE
13 February 2003
Brokering Iffy Biotech to Out-of-the-Way Farmers
U.S. Dumping Hurting Farmers in U.S. and Around
the World
GM Wheat Won’t Make Dough, Warns Economist/Grains
Industry Statement Says No to GM Canola release
Global Grassroots: Gaining Ground
Who's funding Senator Grassley
12 February 2003
Minister pledges redress for GM harm/'Slow start'
to GM debate
Seeds of Domination/Non-GE successes
Govt fast tracking GE medicines/PR nightmare
hits biotech firms/Royal Society backs nukes
More on Belgian police raids
11 February 2003
Consumers call on WHO not to seek industry funding
for its food standards work: Press release
Police raid Ministry of the Environment and environmental
groups in Belgium?
10 February 2003
Research piglets sold as food hard to find
Royal Society accused of seeking to rig GM science
debate: please get involved!
Monsanto shares ALERT/India set to embrace GM
rice - claim
French MPs demand "commission of enquiry" into
industry links of pro-GM report authors
8 February 2003
GMWATCH number 6
India's Bt cotton disaster reported as colossal
7 February 2003
Catholic Bishops cite dangers posed to humans
by GM crops
US Makes Non-GM Food Donation/Scientists puzzled
by sudden death of clone
Ten U.S. food industry groups urge halt to "bio-pharm"
The Fake Parade comes to Brussels
6 February 2003
Hundreds more GM pigs in US food supply
Question raised over next-generation GM technology
Monsanto on the ropes - takes GM crusade to Brazil/Brazil
environment minister seeks GMO ruling delay
'Stalinist' Royal Society reported to Charity
Suppressing criticism - Science’s biggest tragedy
Non-GE plant breeding starved to death/Jumping
5 February 2003
Dawkins wrong on GE/Food for activists
UK GM debate 'to include crop trials'
4 February 2003
Rachel’s: Bumpy Road for Biotech
US slinks away from WTO action against EU
3 February 2003
‘Zero Tolerance’ on Farm Subsidies
Heinz goes green in Canada, guarantees baby food
EU backs poor farmers' seed use
Bayer share price at lowest since 1993 - Bayer
face 15,000 lawsuits
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