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ngin archive
31 July 2002
Monsanto pulls back on GM wheat
Atrazine - Berkeley prof against Syngenta
Starved for Food - Who is starving whom?
More on US food safety standards, regulation,
and corporate governance
30 July 2002
The Glow Dims for Biotech/Biotechs lag Wall Street
The Ecologist Newsletter 26/7/02
29 July 2002
Pusztai's 'Science as Culture' article - GM Food
Safety: Scientific and Institutional Issues
28 July 2002
Eat GM or starve, America tells Africa
McHughen senses a conspiracy in 'Biotech's OK
No GE backdown - Greens hold the line as Labour
fails to get majority
26 July 2002
Britain to launch debate on gene-modified foods
- but who decides?
The way America eats: JUST COOK THE CRUD OUT
Government advisor’s caution on GM crops
25 July 2002
GE-Free issue vote winner/University in GE election
ads scandal/Beekeepers oppose GM crops
Royal Society - Pusztai statements discussed
in ACS publication (The Vortex)
24 July 2002
Taxpayer cash in pro-GE adverts
Re: Monsanto Earnings Down/radio on corn contamination
Barrow-loads of GM crops delivered/Moses and
the BBC
Prof. Schubert on the Risks of GM Food
Monsanto Earnings Down/Corporate cronies/Australian
farmers could be shut out of EU
Green Reaper - New Zealand's PM could lose the
election over GM scandal - The Guardian
23 July 2002
Budget cuts at U.S. Leopold Center for Sustainable
Call for tighter rules on DNA patents
Can Science Give Us the Tools for Recognizing
Possible Health Risks of GM Food?
your message to DEFRA
Who's Pulling Life Sciences' Strings?
22 July 2002
The great genetic scandal - Devinder Sharma
The world's first GM election - Guardian
English Nature - Validity of GM trials jeopardised
by new revelations
GM DNA in Human Gut Underestimated
21 July 2002
Nicky Hager - Denials and diversions, but deeds
Prince told to relinquish throne over GE
GE Information Bulletin - No. 3 July 2002
20 July 2002
Bayer and the UN Global Compact
"Clarkie's Corn cover up": the evidence and the
19 July 2002
South African GE news in the Earth Summit Build
Thailand - US-based group to counter 'NGO bias'
18 July 2002
NZ Party foes U-turn on GE/Sweetcorn saga leaves
bitter taste for New Zealand premier
17 July 2002
New research questions GM food safety
More coverage of GM in gut study
Destruction of corn crop could have cost Government
Re: GM genes found in human gut for first time
- FSA cover up
GM genes found in human gut for first time -
FSA cover up
16 July 2002
"Cavalier" Poulter/NZ's timid acceptance of contaminated
seed/Labour hurt
Monsanto's PR firm still digging
15 July 2002
Hobbs denies industry involved in GE policy
Monsanto Spin-off Plan/Pfizer buying rival Pharmacia
Science spin at the EU level...
Industry too close to GE corn story/GM Contamination
suspicion remains strong
14 July 2002
New polls show GE increasingly important election
Flaws in Gene Flow Study/Accept GM or starve
Corporate blackmail in New Zealand/GM cover-up
13 July 2002
Munlochy vigil latest
Killing the Messenger
Trouser smoke specialists - Krebs/Wilson/Monsanto
US-EU/pharming/FSA/weed bomb denial
GE contamination NOT ruled out
12 July 2002
Government Uses Smoke And Mirrors To Hide GE
Corn Truth
NZ officials fail to quell controversy/Corn-gate
Polio madness/EU Farm Proposal Omits GMOs
11 July 2002
'No to transgenics'- India/Indian farmers’ rights
and UPOV
Hager responds to Government denial/NZ Government
Gene Contamination Coverup Exposed
10 July 2002
Scandal and strife over major GE release cover
Novartis PR regularly consulted on secret cover
up of Novartis seed contamination
Lies and cover up - PM and Cabinet caught in
contaminated crop concealment
9 July 2002
Blair to head GM campaign/Campaigners' fury over
'go ahead' for GM crops
Prostesters gagged over trial botch-up
Public consultation on GM crops 'just PR'
8 July 2002
CSIRO & Public Good Versus Private Gain
Financial Question Mark Over Biotech
Blair Poll-Axed/Autumn GM Crop trial sites
7 July 2002
Nationwide campaign against Bt cotton/more on
genetic engineering and farming in India
Drug Genes Could Enter Food Chain - New Scientist/Purdue
6 July 2002
Rumbling Rumsfeld/Bush tangled in web of corporate
wrongdoing?/Political nomination of the month
5 July 2002
The Devil in the Detail: the technical argument
behind the Nature retraction (Pt 2 of Mexican Maize Madness)
Mexican Maize Madness - Pt 1: The War on Words
4 July 2002
Peruvian Farmers and Indigenous People Denounce
Patents on Maca
India's Digital Library Aids Biopirates
Monsanto's PR firm admits involvement
3 July 2002
Nature’s Government
Ethiopia celebrates surplus without GM Crops
GM Labels - We won!!!!!!
Prakash/Monsanto/Krebs - Guardian pieces
2 July 2002
GE Information Bulletin - No. 2 June 2002
Monsanto's benefits for farmers are hypothetical!
GM at the crossroads/Blair orders MEPs to block
1 July 2002
Psychopharmacological Warfare/US Troops not fed
Consumers' Association et al on labels/Why business
wants labels
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