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ngin archive
30 April 2002
Belgium refuses licence for Aventis GM rape (canola)
GM crops decision may cause rural conflict
U.S. Newspapers Present Biased View of Biotech
Highlands council in renewed plea to halt GM
29 April 2002
Third attack on GM crop site
28 April 2002
Monsanto's web of deceit
27 April 2002
Second attack on GM crop site
GM safety tests 'flawed' - Dig it up!
Dead cow cloned/Protesting Bayer/gene killers/Castle
latest/U.S. groups protest
Third Intergovernmental Conference on the Cartagena
26 April 2002
Zambia - 'Lusaka Has No Laboratory to Detect
GM Products'
Can You Afford GM Agriculture?
24 April 2002
Leaked report on Bt cotton - III
23 April 2002
Mexican indigenous communities want world to
address GM corn contamination
Health ministry sounds caution on GM crops/Devinder
Sharma's new website
22 April 2002
Bt cotton and agricultural problems
Indian farmers declare war against GM cotton
Controversial GM crop trial destroyed
21 April 2002
Corn Study Spurs Debate over Corporate Meddling
in Academia
20 April 2002
Finnie suffers GM crop defeat
Leaked report - Bt Cotton Belies Promises
19 April 2002
War of words worsens over Bt cotton
Sainsbury Lab tests money politics
Massive contamination of vital gene reservoir
18 April 2002
Finnie panics in face of GM opposition
Bt Cotton burnt on Holi
'It could only be grown with guards'/a hell of
a thing to say
17 April 2002
Brazil's battle to contain gmos
Syngenta-gate - UC Department Torn over Corn
Five years of Monsanto's rigorous quality control
16 April 2002
Munlochy Vigil Challenges Minister on GM Crops
Codex and the politics of labeling
15 April 2002
USA: Monsanto admits canola seed could harbour
unapproved GM seed
Bomber Short in greatest folly of our age - update
on Vision 2020
Lord Sainsbury's pet GM project hits grants jackpot
14 April 2002
Genetics will not lead to miracle cures for disease
13 April 2002
Lord Sainsbury, Patrick Moore, pesticide PR and
dubious reporting/GM rape plants in Belgium destroyed
12 April 2002
Cloning USA/clone pregnancy risks womb cancer
11 April 2002
Educational materials or corporate propaganda?
Mexico, France, Wheat, Backlash
10 April 2002
DuPont and Monsanto - "Living in Sinergy"?
GM and the Royal Society/Sharma vs Roush
University playing the shill/ISAAA targets Thailand
9 April 2002
ISAAA in NGO attack/trade news
LANCET on big pharma's escalating influence
India - Health Ministry not consulted over Bt
cotton/Prabhakaran Nair on Bt cotton
8 April 2002
Vendetta - Chapela detractor is a Prakash propagandist/the
Berkeley connection
Monsanto accused of double standards
7 April 2002
Greenpeace stops US shipment of maize to Mexico
to eliminate source of genetic contamination
6 April 2002
Bt cotton debate - Sharma vs. Roy/Vision 2020
5 April 2002
Woman "eight weeks pregnant with clone"
Study questions many gene-disease links
Prakash admits landrace contamination indisputable
4 April 2002
Nature's retraction based on concerns of only
one referee!
Going on a witch-hunt with Angharad Gatehouse
Nature's shame as journal disavows Mexican corn
Devinder Sharma details the science fraud behind
India's Bt cotton approval
Litigation in the Wind
3 April 2002
US blasts European barriers to biotech produce/Poisonous
cassava etc
2 April 2002
Monsanto seeks to profit/Angel of death
India Together/Indian farmers demand meeting
with Clare Short
1 April 2002
R.I.P. GM Crops: seed companies' despair
Quick and Easy, Transgenic Rodents Designed to
Order, and other seasonal offerings
Farmers move to block modified wheat/more on
India's science fraud
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