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ngin archive
31 January 2003
UN food agency says bananas not threatened
Food security - PANUPS resource pointer
GM free food aid to Zambia/The U.S. and world
Italy's largest miller says 'NO' to GM wheat
More BS from the RS
BMA under attack
BMA slams "totally inaccurate", "wrong" BBC report
30 January 2003
GM bananas claims were hype - Bananas 'can't
disappear by 2003'
Public 'distrusts official advice'
Farmers ask states to put GM canola on ice/industry
finger in cheesy GM milk
Traditionally bred rice with extra vit A, iron
and zinc
Royal Society to oversee UK's GM crop trial publication
Why the Royal Society cannot be trusted
29 January 2003
U.S. "experts" to help counter "misinformation"
WFP promoting GM in Uganda, going slow in Zambia
More smell of burning trousers Part 2:
Pants: The Big Ones
GMW: Monkeys go ape - Animals go 'yuk!'
World Social Forum/'Bloody cowards'
*The* Pants on Fire Hot Shot. Part 3: Pants :
Meet *Mr Big!*
28 January 2003
The smell of burning trousers - Pants on Fire
Hot Shots of 2002
"Smoking guns" sought as Bush aides meet on EU
biotech case
Resign call to minister + Debates, events, reports
27 January 2003
New GM cigarette/GM cows make cheesy milk/ABC
in Scotland
26 January 2003
Bt cotton 'success' a lie
Foods of the future tailored to fit
25 January 2003
'The Pusztai affair just won’t die!'
24 January 2003
Farm group says USDA put bad corn into feed chain/Canadian
GM farmer says GM has drawbacks
Advisory Panels Stacked, Scientists Warn
Nanobiotech Comes Alive!/Greygoo Armageddon
Devinder Sharma on The GM Potato Hoax
23 January 2003
US farmers hesitant to grow "bio-pharm" crops/Monsanto
at key juncture as seeks CEO
GM debate fiasco/Devon votes to go GM-free
US embassy GM maize row latest
GM fish/cloned bull/cloned calves/cloned cat
22 January 2003
America is isolated - Newsweek
Stung into action
Silva lining - the battle over GM in Brazil
Ugandan farmers fear GM seeds/bananas are not
EU commissioner slams "immoral" US food aid claims/Denis
Murphy on the value of GM crops
21 January 2003
RSPB on 'skylark' research/etc.
Genetically Engineered Food Aid -
briefing by Tewolde Egziabher
'Skylark' research hit yields
Farmers silent as GM decision nears
Gene Giants ignore suffering, poison, pollute
- take action: Call Dow Day
20 January 2003
Blame US Policy For Dumping GM Food Aid
GM kids/gene therapy trials halted/germline engineering:
from mice to men
Dazzled by the science - hi-tech eugenics
as a new art form
EU's Nielson blasts U.S. "lies" in GM food row
18 January 2003
EU says U.S. peddling lies about aid to Africa
Brazil to send back or destroy US GMO corn shipment/Monsanto
in the Philippines
The United States of America has gone mad/America's
17 January 2003
French actors destroy GM crops in support of
US GM food aid to India stands rejected/AgBioIndia
under attack
GM Debacle Continues
16 January 2003
Why the world needs GM bananas and other tales
Swiss GM Moratorium initiative gains momentum
US aid agencies back down over Indian aid/GM
not silver bullet admits ISAAA
15 January 2003
GM beet research answers very few questions
Scientists Create Brand New Organism
Roundup becoming useless - New York Times
BMA delighted GM risks recognised by Health Committee/Government
buries more bad news
U.S. challenge "a huge gamble"
Prof. King says beet research not validated
Pusztai on the Indian GM potato
USDA sued to stop GE grasses
14 January 2003
Europeans "threatening hungry African nations"
Health Committee to call for radical changes
to GM crop trials
Indian government lied over GM cotton failure
- Greenpeace India
Oxford Prof says keep GM in the lab - moratorium
should stay
Immediate moratorium on GM crops call in Scotland
US Aid Agencies instructed to report anti-GM
nations to USAID
Science Advisors Abusing Public Trust
13 January 2003
EU attacks as "scandalous" U.S.'s African linkage
of WTO case
A clone in every pot?
India's GM potato hoax - Poviding proteins to
the poor
11 January 2003
'Against the grain': Guardian article on U.S.
bully-boy tactics
Government Officials Uproot GM Maize Plants/more
on US embassy misinformation
Japan corn trade paralysed by Starlink fear
Roundup-resistance moves into the corn belt/Roundup-resistant
weeds are cropping up/Attack against GM wheat
10 January 2003
Roundup Resistance/US ready to declare war over
GM food/India/Australia
Lack of U.S. safety standards for GM crops revealed
in Brussels
9 January 2003
WHO 'infiltrated by food industry'
Rejected GM corn dumped in Australia
Anti-terror laws used against GM campaigner/GM
protest charges dropped
Nestlé on feeding the hungry/Nestlé
and Ethiopia
European nations back Zambia's stand on GM food
8 January 2003
Monsanto plans to transfer technology to Cotton,
Pro-GE author found guilty of 'scientific dishonesty'
Great GM disasters of 2002
Seeds of Trouble transcript
7 January 2003
Heed the Hungry - 'U.S. Catholic' on the food
aid crisis
UK - crop trials/supermarkets/ radio prog TODAY
FDA missed obvious errors with harmful GM compounds/confidence
in US food chain nears meltdown
More on India says 'No' to food aid from US
A Global Village
6 January 2003
Scientists - Zambia Should Maintain Stand On
GMOs/GM ruling sparks fears
Cloned beef nearing Japanese market/Lab-grown
steaks nearing menu
Hot shots of 2002 - the Pants are back!
Farmers' Rights/Monsanto Lying/Opposing patents
5 January 2003
GE/pharming - can they be done safely?
Bio-Warfare in the United States
3 January 2003
India rejects U.S. food aid over GM content
GM protesters accused of increasing contamination
2 January 2003
Call for ACRE to be disbanded/Our seed, their
profit/Dow Chemical's Biotech Greenwash
Gene giant sues penniless Bhopal survivors
GM contamination - government experts disagree
1 January 2003
World Bank at it again
GM WATCH number 5
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