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ngin archive
31 October 2002
Monsanto posts wider loss as Roundup sales slump
US will not help Zambia while predicting increased
risk of starvation
Puerto Rico - Host for 'pharm' Xperiments/Dear
Prime Minister... from P V Satheesh/Lula's victory could keep Brazil
Continued pressure against Zambia on GM food
- agencies sat on their hands for months to build pressure on Zambia
30 October 2002
1,000 farmers to rally vs IRRI/Grappling with
a mutated vision
US criticised by OECD over forcing aid recipients
to buy American exports
Companies quashing GE research/Beneficial compounds
reduced by fungicides
29 October 2002
GM DNA in human gut - questions from ISIS/Munlochy
The dangers of GM food/Health committee agrees
to investigate GM
World Food Body Fails to Take Stand on GM Food
Gene pioneer urges dream of human perfection
+ comment
Famine-hit Zambia rejects GM food aid
IMF blamed for Malawi famine
28 October 2002
Contaminated Choices/Support Oregon!/Europe's
Biotech Madness
From Jo'burg to Des Moines
27 October 2002
Universities should be biased in favour of agbiotech
26 October 2002
GM Fall-out from Mexico to Zambia - The Year
of Playing Dangerously
Return of Craig Sams to AgBivingsView
25 October 2002
Nature’s refusal to publish - press release
Organic foods may be more contamination-prone
ISIS Condemns Prime Minister’s Scoping Note
Biotech Debacle in Four Parts: the collapse of
the GM enterprise - ISIS
Re: Organic foods may be more contamination-prone
Greenpeace on PM's Scoping Note - "worse than
The Lancet - How safe is GM food?
24 October 2002
Farmer Income - Seeds of Doubt/USDA approves
Monsanto corn
Monsanto only in it for the women
WFP, food aid and GMOs - former consultant to
the World Food Programme attacks US aid
Molecular Empires/Peasants Scientists’ Unity
Paul McCartney endorses Measure 27, records radio
commercial/Deja Vu All Over Again
Monsanto's $1bn write-off/Farmer fined/China
cools on GMOs/ etc.
23 October 2002
NATURE rejects new Mexican maize paper
GM debate just another smokescreen?
Stop putting a GM gun to the head of hungry Zambians
Oregon lost?/Monsanto drops GE grass/The Killing
Lord Sainsbury - "stunning change in the entrepreneurial
attitudes of our universities"
Monsanto and Dupont target Philippines, Syngenta
targets Vietnam
Re: Please respond to UK government stitchup!
The people should decide, not Monsanto
22 October 2002
European Union remains GM-free/EU not budging
on biotech
GM-Free Britain: Now or never/GM-Free Britain
campaign launched
Force feeding the hungry - primer on the food
aid crisis
'Biotech industry adopts precaution' and other
pharming stories
Non-GM tearfree onion
21 October 2002
GRAIN says "No to GM food aid"
Razor wire and GE seeds
19 October 2002
Row grows over GM food aid for Africa
18 October 2002
Bollworm eats into Bt cotton's pride/CGIAR not
welcome in the Philippines and the world!
Seeds of doubt - The Guardian
"Better dead than GM fed?" - 'Seedling',
October 2002
17 October 2002
URGENT: Please respond to UK government stitchup!
More on UK Government stitch up
Still more on UK Government stitch up
EU Member States refuse to reconsider the moratorium
Zambians starve as food aid lies rejected
The Junkman's Identity Crisis
Debate rages over massive food experiment
16 October 2002
ActionAid speaks out on GM food aid
Scholars urge Vatican to intervene in food crisis
Stotty vs Warwick - haven and hell
France not ready to end ban/South Africa has
begun to question GM health and safety
Swiss farmers and retailers vow to stay GM free
UK alone in Europe in putting biotech industry
Seed companies block critical research/FDA FRAUD/India
- biotech watchdog challenged/U.S. isolated say Corn Growers
15 October 2002
No breakthrough for EU on GM foods/UK GM winter
oil seed rape trials
'Sowing disaster?' - The Nation/Farm-aceutical
Corn - CBS News
U.N. food envoy questions GM crop safety/U.S.
Shifts Tactics in GMO Clash/burning the unread books in our biological
14 October 2002
'GM seed spread' warning from UK Government's
Pro-GE lobbyist gets a pie in the face
Open letter to biotech corporations
Organic Cotton Offers Major Opportunities Without
GM or Pesticides
Dark side of the genome/Dolly the Sheep creator
turns to humans
13 October 2002
US report "could send further shivers down the
spines of US farmers of GM crops" - Reuters
Master chefs feed GM foods rebellion
Blair's ministers press for end to GM ban
No genetically contaminated seeds: zero-tolerance
working well in Austria
SOS - massive GE contamination threatened by
licence to pollute
12 October 2002
Monsanto forecasts falling profits
Misrepresentations in FDA letter to Oregon
11 October 2002
The Agribusiness Examiner #197
Clare Short's myopic vision
ActionAid SeedRights - join the global campaign
'Frankenfoods' create furor on Dark Continent
+ other stories
NGIN's Weekly Watch number 1
10 October 2002
FDA warns Oregon against labels/Veneman asked
to block sale of GM corn
Zambians deny famine deaths while US lobbies
the Vatican
9 October 2002
PR Expert Warns Gene Giants/Donations show which
measures scare/Novartis face lawsuit
8 October 2002
USAID and GM Food Aid + the Prakash connection
Biotech’s magic cures an illusion/Clones can
suffer too/American cloned food on its way
Predicted Hazard of Gene Therapy a Reality
7 October 2002
US 'dumping unsold GM food on Africa'
Catholic leaders condemn GM patenting/Jasmine
Bush using famine in Africa as GM marketing tool/GM
report is "lies"/GM-free Brazil on the cards/EU to provide southern
Africa with funds
6 October 2002
Publicly funded GM debate turns into farce
5 October 2002
Transcript - Seeds of Conflict, NOW with Bill
Mexico's GE Corn Contamination - One Year Later
GMWATCH number 2
4 October 2002
WTO/Vandana Shiva/Bt cotton and Pakistan
3 October 2002
Act Now to Prevent GE Seed Contamination/GE drug
results deliberately falsified?/Lord S/Jacques Diouf
US biotech now trying to bully upstart US states
Naked agenda/Increasingly vocal objections heard
to GM foods
2 October 2002
Organic Agriculture Fights Back
Another industry front group?
Mystery Illness Biotech Drug Puts its Maker on
the Defensive
Bill Moyers Probes GE/CF&M heads anti-label
PR push for biotechs
1 October 2002
First direct evidence of horizontal gene transfer
Trade war looms as Europe rejects US complaints
on GM labelling
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